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Curly Goose Cottage
Award Winning Sebastopol Geese and Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Gosling Care Information

So, now that you are bringing home some snugly, Mountain Dew colored, mini honkers, who want nothing more than to snuggle under your chin all day and call for you when you walk away….. What’s next?
If you have care questions, we’ve got answers!
The more you know, the greater chance you have of providing the very best care for your new goslings. Being the best caretaker you can be is your responsibility for the lifetime of your Sebastopol geese. Sebastopols can live for 25 years. They are relatively easy to care for, but do require proper housing, food and management for them to thrive.
We are not experts, however we would like to share what we have learned over the years from exceptional breeders.
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