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Curly Goose Cottage Sales Policy


Gosling and Shipping Egg Disclosures



Welcome and thank you for choosing Curly Goose Cottage! We are looking forward to being part of your Sebastopol Goose dreams. Whether you are purchasing goslings or hatching eggs, we want to support your success. It is for this reason, we have these policies and disclosures. We feel like the more information you have the better Sebastopol owner you will be. 

Gosling Sales Policy


Goslings will be offered on a reservation only policy. Reservations are taken on a first come first serve basis.  We will not sell a single gosling. Geese are flock animals and do not thrive being alone. You should consider this when choosing the number of goslings you purchase. If a predator or some other unforeseen loss of one of your goslings occurs, you certainly do not want to end up with a single goose.  If you absolutely need a single gosling please message us so that we may discuss your particular situation. You must agree to have the proper housing, feed and supplements required to raise healthy geese.



Gosling Reservations 


  1. In order to hold your reservation spot a 25% deposit upfront is required. This will assure your hatch date and the goslings you ordered. If for any reason we are unable to supply the goslings you have ordered, your deposit will be refunded in full, immediately. No deposit means no guaranteed goslings. Although, from time to time, there may be left over goslings at the end of the season you may choose from without a deposit.

  2. When we receive your deposit, we will notify you of your hatch schedule. We will also send you updates during the incubation and may send you pictures or video clips along the way.

  3. When your goslings hatch, you will be notified.  When we have determined, to the best of our ability, that your goslings are healthy and thriving you can make arrangements for pickup. We want this to occur quickly as geese imprint with their humans and we want them to imprint with you as soon as possible. We do not ship live goslings. Our sole focus is what is best for our goslings.

  4. Payment in full will be required before pick up. If arrangements are not made within 48hrs of being notified of the hatch, the goslings will be offered to another client and your deposit will be forfeited. 


Hatching Eggs


Most of you already know the risk of shipped hatching eggs, but we have to put it in writing just to cover all bases and to be transparent.


We may offer a select amount of hatching eggs each season. The eggs are available to be shipped anywhere in the continental United States. We take great care in wrapping and packaging your shipped hatching eggs. We wrap and secure them well. We use UPS shipping only this season. Unfortunately we CAN NOT count on the post office to get our eggs to you in a promised time frame. With that being said, we just can not be held responsible for what happens to the eggs when they leave our farm. Hatching shipped eggs is a risk you must be willing to take when you order eggs. We cannot  be held responsible for postal carriers handling of your eggs, weather conditions, or your hatching practices. 

We highly recommend “Pete’s Hatching Guide” (google it) to hatch your Sebastopol eggs. Please do yourself a favor and use his method if you have never hatched GOOSE EGGS before. They are not like chicken eggs and need special care during incubation. ​



  1. You should be extremely happy with a 50% hatch when you hatch shipped eggs so, with that in mind, order the amount of eggs to accommodate what you hope to hatch.

  2. A 25% deposit is required when you order your eggs. This will hold your spot and guarantee you will get your eggs shipped on the agreed upon date. If for any reason we are unable fill your egg order, (ie. geese stop laying) your deposit will be refunded in full immediately.

  3. Payment in full is due before eggs are shipped. Shipping is an additional charge. Shipping can be calculated easily on the USPS website. We  highly recommend you make arrangements to pick up your eggs directly from the post office.



If you have read the above information and are ready to make your deposit you may do so at: 





We also accept PayPal, however their "algorithm " doesn't understand what a Sebastopol is and has been holding payments for "explanation ". If  you wish to type a description, please put Goslings or hatching eggs instead.

© 2024 Curly Goose Cottage
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